♡There is usually a slight difference in the size with different brands.So We sincerely suggest that choose the size according to our size chart.It just takes less than a couple of minutes to measure your foot correctly,Size problems can be easily solved.
♡ Fashion pointed high heels, with 4 inch super fine red wine cup shaped heels. Although it’s your first time to wear high-heeled shoes, don’t worry to lose your balance. The greatest advantage of the shoes is stability. You can jump with them.
♡ Classic simple high-heeled shoes are suitable for various occasions, indoor or outdoor. Whether you go shopping with your bestie or date with your lover, go to a party or wedding, you can always show your confidence and elegance easily.
♡ It can match all of your clothes in your closet perfectly. When you match a pair of jeans, you look smart and capable. When you match a dress, you look so sweet and lovely.
♡ A girl is doomed to miss beauty if she doesn’t wear elegance high-heeled shoes. It means to ignore beauty if you ignore high-heeled shoes. For girls pursuing sex appeal, High heels have a fatal attraction.